Monday, February 28, 2005

Up a steep hill

Well its been a month or so since I have posted a blog. After the Gaden Monastic visit there was a great deal of catch up work to do -starting with my personal life. Now back on track with a newsletter for Sierra Friends of Tibet -to publish this week.

Recently Joseph and I have attended a Bay area meeting of Tibet Support Groups and with the Tibetan community in exile, as they begin to prepare for the March 10th Walk to commemorate Tibetan Uprising Day. I was there with Joseph on behalf of Sierra Friends of Tibet ( as I believe it is not appropriate to mix the politics with the mission of This is indeed a ridiculous statement - people are dying, how could I not address the politics. However it comes back down to my work with Bob Marley, and the questions I raise which is, "how do I create the most amount of "good" with the time I have to do it in?". Sierra Friends of Tibet is a different organization, although most of the communications -especially in the cyber arena, is done by the same folks, so as long as it .

Anyway, when we were at the Tibet Justice Center in Berkeley, there were 9 people there. 3 of us Westerners and the other 6 Tibetans exiled here in the U.S. These people, who were instant family, were so appreciable of any help they can get in preserving their dying culture. The office had tell tale signs of dead and dying computer equipment lying around, I again reaffirmed its absolutely necessary to continue on this path. These people work hard, very hard, and probably for little if any money. Maximizing resources, especially technology, could facilitate their work efforts ten fold.

With that said, I have a couple of projects swimming out there. More to come...