Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Couple of Weeks with Lama Phuntsho

Calling the Jangchub Choeling Nunnery with lama Phuntsho from the office of Noteable Bowls
in Lake Tahoe

Recently we were blessed with a visit from our dear friend Lama Phuntsho. You may have met LP when he worked as a translator for the Gaden Shartse monastery tour in both 2001-2002 and the 2004-2005 tour.

Now Lama Phunthso is a monk of a different color (ha ha). He is a Tibetan Buddhist monk from the mystical Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan which treasures "Gross National Happiness" as their gross national product. LP is also a tireless friend of Tibet, always remembering the plight of the Tibetan people. He is a "non-sectarian" Buddhist monk, meaning he has received training from many high masters in the 4 different sects of Tibetan Buddhism.

We were so delighted to open a website for Lama Phuntsho (http://www.lamaphuntsho.org/ )
and will be developing over the next few months while he is in the US.

I would like to add that Lama Phuntsho is also my direct connection to the Jangchub Choeling nunnery (http://www.jangchubchoelingnunnery.org/) in exile in Mundgod, southern India. After expressing our wish to work with Buddhist Women and Tibetan women in exile, Lama Phuntsho helped us make the connection with the nuns and was also responsible for escorting us to purchase computers for the nuns during our visit to Mundgod in 2008.

Although Lama Phuntsho came to visit and was on vacation, he was asked to do a few events in Lake Tahoe. Here are some pictures from that visit. Special thanks to Tahoe Mel at Noteable Bowls, Lorilyn at Mountain Yoga in Tahoe Keys, Keri at O2 Wellness Center in Minden, Unity at the Lake and Unity of Carson. More picutres will be added as I get them uploaded. Please check back:

News from Tibetech Board Member Now in Mundgod

Yes it has been a long time since we have blogged and we are going to start again. Because Tibetech.org volunteers extraordinaries David and Susan are presently in the camps in Mundgod working at the Hospital clinic and teaching English.

After a bumpy descent into life at the Gaden Shartse Monastery, Susan and David are finding their rhythms and will be sending us BLOGS of their adventures soon.

Meanwhile something to note is Susan's concern about the food at the monastery... and she is sensing a shortage of resources there. Like everything else going on in the world at this time, things have been changing there at Gaden Sharste and Susan is sensing a shortage of available resources. This is showing up in the way of the diminished rations of food.

Sponsoring a monk is perhaps the most fortifying way to help this very fragile situation. Sponsors may noW easily act online by visiting the GSCF (Gaden Sharste Cultural Foundation (a U.S. 501C3 Non Profit Organization) at www.gadenshartsetour.org.

In the meantime we are preparing for the annual visit to Placerville, Grass Valley, Roseville and now we will be adding Lake Tahoe through the kind hosts at www.noteablebowsl.com.

More to come soon on Lama Phuntsho's recent visit to Grass Valley and Tahoe

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tibetech.org Visits the Nuns of Jangchup Choeling Nunnery in Mundgod, India

In January 2007, Tibetech.org a non profit organization visited the Tibetan Settlement in Mundogd.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Gaden Shartse Monastery Tour 2008 Sand Mandala In Hayward, Ca

Gaden Sharste Monastery is located in southern India and is a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery of the Gelugpa order. The monastery was founded in 1426 by the Buddhist Mystic Je Tsong Kapa. The monastery cultural tour is presently in the United States to share their practices and teachings on inner peace and compassion. This sand mandala is a ancient sacred art. Please visit the monastery website at www.gadenshartsetour.org

Monday, January 28, 2008

Gaden Ngari Monks Debating Dependent Origination

At St. Joseph's Cultural Center, Grass Valley, CA.

www.tibetech.org, sierrafriendsoftibet.org, gadenngari.org

Gaden Ngari Monks - more chanting

More chanting from the monks. This takes place 1-26-2008 at St. Joseph's Cultural Center in Grass Valley, CA. Presented by Sierra Friends of Tibet.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

chanting with mudras - Gaden Ngari monks

Monks from the Gaden Ngari monastery in India visit Grass Valley, CA, hosted by the Sierra Friends of Tibet.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

About the Gaden Sharste Dairy Farm

Never underestimate the power of Grass Roots Activism.

This ifrst cows for the Shartse dariy farm were purchased through donations raised by spare change jars. 

Gaden Sharste Dairy Farm 2

Main Prayer Hall and Administration of the Gaden Sharste Monastery

Gaden Sharste Monastery is a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery exiled in southern India. After the Communist invasion of Tibet, where 6,000 monasteries were destroyed, 50 if the Gaden Monks survived and fled to India.  Since that time the monastery has sought to re-establish itself in exile. Please visit the monk's website at www.gadenshartsetour.org

Young Monks At The Gaden Shartse School

The Gaden Shartse Monastery is a Tibetan Buddhist Monastery exiled in southern India.   Following the Communit destructions of over 6,000 monasteries in Tibet in 1959, less than 50 monks surved the incursion and fled to India.

Eventually these monks sought to resestablish the monastery in exile. Please visit their website at www.gadensharstetour.org 

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Lobsang Tengye on the Gaden Ngari Khangtsen

Gaden Ngari Khangtsen, Tibetan BUddhist Monks in Exile