Monday, March 09, 2009

Tibetech is Heading Down to SF for the 50th Anniversary of Tibetan Uprising day

"I and I Have Not Come to Fight Flesh and Blood,
But Spiritual Wickedness in High and Low Places"
-Bob Marley

Today Tibetech and Sierra Friends of Tibet will travel to San Francisco to join our Tibetan mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters living in exile to speak out against 50 years of oppressive atrocities by the Chinese Communist regime which trampled over the Tibetan people in 1959, stealing their country, destroying over 6000 institutions of higher learning, eradicating the Tibetan culture, raping the environmental Shangri-la and destroyed perhaps 2 million Tibetan men, women and CHILDREN as a result of this Cultural genocide.

Tonight Tibetech will be having dinner with one of our Tibetan friends, a great learned master and Political Prisoners who spent over 18 years in prison for simply possessing a picture of His Holiness the Dalai Lama., the beloved spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet. The scars on his body are testament to this reality.

An Appeal:
I make this personal appeal to you,:
Please, if you value freedom, please take one action today and tomorrow on behalf of the Tibetan people who continue to face Crimes Against Humanity and Cultural Genocide including Rape, Forced Sterilization, Imprisonment, Starvation and Economic Marginalization and cultural annihilation.

I am speaking from personal and first hand knowledge of these people. Tibet HAS a Face. The face of non violence. Please speak up for those who cannot raise their voice and take one action on their behalf over these next few days. Remember, Martin Luther King Jr., warned us: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere.

Here Are Some things to do for Tibet:

1. Tell Congress or the President what you think. Congress funds a Tibetan-language Voice of America broadcast that is now the most popular news source in Tibet; they provide annual assistance for Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal; they also maintain a policy that Tibet is an occupied nation under foreign rule. For more information about congressional initiatives, contact the International Campaign for Tibet at (202) 785-1515 or visit their website at Write your elected officials about Tibet: For a complete list and to find your representative by your Zip Code Find Representatives Click Here Write to President Obama and tell him your feelings about Tibet. Let Hillary Clinton know we are waiting and listening for her to speak up on Tibet.
2. Give a prisoner hope
Chinese prison officials in Lhasa report that they receive many letters of concern for Tibetan prisoners. Your letters get through. This can make a tremendous impact in improving conditions, preventing or lessening torture, and leading to an early release of some prisoners. Gendun Rinchen, a tour guide who was released after eight months without being tortured, is living proof. Chinese officials received thousands of letters in his support.

Watch for urgent prisoner appeals in Tibetan support group newsletters, SFOT's email campaigns, the International Campaign for Tibet's email campaigns Students for a Free Tibet' campaigns. Listen to radio and internet broadcasts such as the Tibetan Radio Hour on, the Tibet World Service on Open Mind Radio, NPR stations or contact Amnesty International.

3. Support a nun in exile

Tibetan nuns are at the forefront of the demonstrations for Tibetan independence in Lhasa despite the fact that they face brutal torture in prison. Once released, they are often forbidden to return to their nunneries, and many end up fleeing to India for refuge. In India, the nunneries are overcrowded and desperately need funds for books, clothes, and general support. The Tibetan Nuns Project is actively working to bring in much-needed contributions. Visit to see the websites of the nunneries in exile we sponsor.

4. Support a monk in exile
Their is a revival of the surviving Tibetan Buddhist. and

5. Travel wisely

China tries to use tourism in Tibet to legitimize rule there, showcasing selected sites to imply that Tibetans are content. Most tourist dollars, particularly on group tours, go to Chinese pockets and do little to help poor Tibetan communities. If you travel in a group, be sure the company uses Tibetan guides and patronizes Tibetan businesses. Educate yourself about Tibet before you go by reading Victor Chan's "Tibet Handbook: A Pilgrimage". To learn more about how you can make your trip help Tibetans, and for a map and guide of Lhasa that explains what Chinese tour guides will try to hide, contact the International Campaign for Tibet.

6. Join A Local and Internationl Tibetan Support Groups
The International Campaign for Tibet works globally on behalf of the Tibetan people. Visit Sierra Friends of Tibet and Placerville Friends of Tibet are small groups in the Sierra Nevada foothills. They are grass roots organizations which hosts cultural and educational events.

7. Donate as a gift in someone's name instead of buying gifts

8. Provide Computers and Training to Tibetan Refugees.
Send a nun to computer school or sponsor a nunnery's website. is a non profit organization founded by members of Sierra Friends of Tibet, which seeks to preserve the fragile Tibetan culture by and advance technology in the Tibetan Refugee Community.

9. Boycott Chinese goods.
Boycotting Chinese goods is a simple and direct way for anyone to make their support of Tibet count. A growing boycott campaign is being led by Students for a Free Tibet, the U.S. Tibet Committee, Milarepa Fund, and other Tibet support groups.

Here is the schedule of events in San Francisco:
8:00AM - 9:00AM
Tibetan Flag Rising Ceremony, Berkeley City Hall, Berkeley,
10:00AM - 10:30AM
Crowd gather at Justin Herman Plaza (JHP) in San Francisco
10:30AM - 11:30AM
Crowd marches from JHP to San Francisco City Hall
11:30AM - 12:45PM
City Hall Program
12:45PM - 1:30PM
Crowd marches to the Chinese Consulate
1:30PM - 3:30PM
Protest in front of the Chinese Consulate
3:30PM - 4:30PM
Crowd marches in groups to Union Square
5:00PM - 9:00PM
Union Square Evening Program.

In peace,